Hyper Converged Infrastructure (HCI) is a type of infrastructure system with a software-centric architecture that tightly integrates compute, storage, networking and virtualization resources and other technologies from scratch in a commodity hardware box supported by a single vendor.
Getting started? Read this guide to learn about hyperconverged infrastructure basics and how it helps to simplify IT and reduce TCO. Download Your Free PDF copy of HYPERCONVERGED INFRASTRUCTURE for dummies here.
You’ve learned about what hyperconverged infrastructure is and how it works. Now it’s time to carefully evaluate it for consideration in your data center. Where do you start? What pitfalls might await you? Most importantly, how do you understand the potential impact? That’s where The Gorilla Guide to Hyperconverged Infrastructure Implementation Strategies comes in. Take a walk through the hyperconverged infrastructure jungle and let us guide you to the vines of truth and help you avoid the quicksand that threatens your journey! Download here.
Typically be installed and powered up within a matter of hours, rather than the days and weeks needed to implement a large-scale virtual server solution from scratch.
Low cost of entry compared with their integrated system counterparts and legacy infra- structure.
Reduce capital expenditures needed for technology refreshes and new infrastructure projects.
Provide simple, efficient design enables IT to manage aggregated resources across individual nodes as a single federated system.
Business expects IT to respond quickly as new needs arise, yet legacy environments force IT to employ myriad resources to meet those needs. Hyperconverged infrastructure enables IT to achieve positive outcomes much faster.
Allows IT to expand by adding units, just like in a LEGO set.