Protecting Backups From Ransomware Is As Easy As 3-2-1 [June 2020]

Protecting Backups From Ransomware Is As Easy As 3-2-1 Ransomware attackers will attempt to locate your backups, steal the data from them, and then delete them. If you can prevent this, you can recover from an attack without giving in to blackmail. Ransomware has been a red-hot problem for some time now. As they usually […]

5 Common Mistakes That Lead To Ransomware [June 2020]

5 Common Mistakes That Lead To Ransomware If you’re a system administrator, the network you look after is almost certainly way more spread out since coronavirus stay-at-home regulations kicked in. But even if your colleagues are using their own computers now, and connecting in via their own internet connections, it’s still “your” network, and it […]

Cohesity Expands Certified Data Protection for SAP HANA [June 2020]

Cohesity Expands Certified Data Protection for SAP HANA For many large enterprises, SAP HANA is quickly becoming the de facto in-memory database management system, and for good reason. SAP HANA allows companies to rapidly process large volumes of real-time data. The in-memory computing engine allows HANA to process data stored in RAM as opposed to […]